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Edgar Payne’s book “Composition of Outdoor Painting” is a seminal work in landscape painting. Published in 1941, it is considered one of the first books to provide an organized approach to creating outdoor paintings. In this book, Payne outlines his comprehensive approach to composition, which includes topics such as color and light values, aerial perspective, texture and line design, unity, balance, and other elements of art.

Payne’s work has been hailed by many for its timelessness and thoroughness – his techniques remain highly relevant to the modern artist today. The book is frequently cited as one of the few essential outdoor painting books and has no peer among popular landscape painting guides. With Payne’s Composition of Outdoor Painting in hand, artists have all they need to know to create beautiful works with a perfect composition. This classic book offers an invaluable resource for any aspiring or professional painter looking to refine their skills in landscape painting.

With this book, you will be able to…

  • Bring your painting skills to the next level with input from Edgar Payne and Composition of Outdoor Painting.
  • Get professional advice on how to paint outdoor scenes from one of the world’s top landscape artists, Edgar Payne.
  • Learn the secrets that will make your outdoor paintings stand out above the rest with Composition of Outdoor Painting.
  • Take your artwork to a new level with hands-on guidance from Edgar Payne and his book, Composition of Outdoor Painting.
  • Make your outdoor paintings come to life with tips and techniques straight from Edgar Payne in Composition of Outdoor Painting.


Edgar Payne's Book

Edgar Payne’s very first promotion of his new book.  Note that he penciled in his physical address in Hollywood, California.